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ECM List of Attestations

This database has been developed in accordance with Article 13.1 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/779 of 16 May 2019 laying down detailed provisions on a system of certification of entities in charge of maintenance of vehicles pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulation (EU) No 445/2011 and in accordance with Annex A to the ATMF Uniform Rules (Appendix G to COTIF).

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Country Certification Body Applicant Applicant Country Type Of Attestation Issue Date Validity Date Attachments
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France CERTIFER SA AKIEM France ECM ECMF3 22/08/2019 21/08/2024 8488_0200_1 attestation Akiem.PDF
France CERTIFER SA ALSTOM France ECM ECMF2 ECMF3 ECMF4 25/02/2016 24/02/2021 Alstom Belfort.pdf
France CERTIFER SA MILLET SAS France ECM ECMF2 ECMF3 15/11/2019 14/11/2024 9332_0200_1 attestation Millet.PDF
France CERTIFER SA NOVIUM France ECM ECMF2 ECMF3 ECMF4 06/03/2020 15/06/2022 EC_9486_0200_1 attestation Novium.PDF
France CERTIFER SA RATP - Département MRF France ECM ECMF2 ECMF3 ECMF4 15/10/2018 14/10/2023 8668_0010_2 certificat RATP.pdf
Germany Eisenbahn-Bundesamt [EBA] DB Cargo AG Germany ECM 02/05/2019 07/05/2023 Konformitätsbescheinigung_DB_Cargo.pdf
Germany Eisenbahn-Bundesamt [EBA] DB Cargo AG Germany ECMF4 13/05/2019 07/05/2023 neu_Konformitätsbescheinigung_Teilfunktionen_IH_Erbringung_DB_Cargo.pdf
Germany Eisenbahn-Bundesamt [EBA] DB Netz AG Maschinenpool Germany ECM 25/06/2020 15/06/2023 Konformitätsbescheinigung DB Netz AG Maschinenpool.pdf
Italy Italcertifer S.p.A. BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION ITALY S.p.A. UNIPERSONALE Italy ECM 11/01/2017 10/01/2020 ITCF-P-00167-17-RM-0002(Bombardier).pdf
Italy RINA Services S.p.A. FERROVIENORD S.p.A. Italy ECM 23/06/2016 23/06/2021 Ferrovie Nord 2016_SRM_ANSF_2014QTL62.pdf
Italy ISARail S.p.A. IPE Locomotori 2000 srl Italy ECM 24/02/2017 19/02/2022 ISAR-SRMV-17-002 - IPE Locomotori 2000.pdf
Italy Italcertifer S.p.A. MA.FER S.r.l. Italy ECM 27/03/2017 26/03/2020 ITCF-P-01528-17-RM-0002 (MAFER).pdf
Italy Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A STADLER POLSKA SP. z o. o. Poland ECM 29/07/2019 28/07/2024 1370_9_PRD_15_MAN_IT_625.pdf
Italy Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A Sud Engineering S.r.l. Italy ECM 20/07/2019 19/07/2024 1370_9_PRD_18_MAN_IT_617.pdf
Romania ROMANIAN RAILWAY SAFETY AUTHORITY (ASFR) MARUB SA Romania ECMF2 ECMF3 ECMF4 28/03/2019 16/06/2023 NNI RO FIV L,U 0019 0009 MARUB SA -Reinnoit P.pdf