Register of CSM Assessment Bodies
This part of the database provides a register of all CSM assessment bodies accredited or recognised in the territory of both, the EU and the OTIF non-EU Contracting States.
In EU, according to Article 7 of “Commission implementing Regulation (EU) No 402/2013 of 30 April 2013 on the common safety method for risk evaluation and assessment and repealing Regulation (EC) No 352/2009”, a CSM assessment body shall be either: (a) accredited by the national accreditation body referred to in Article 13(1) using the criteria defined in Annex II of that Regulation; or (b) recognised by the recognition body referred to in Article 13(1) using the criteria defined in Annex II of that Regulation; or (c) the national safety authority under the requirement of Article 9(2) of that Regulation. According to Article 13 of that Regulation, by no later than 21 May 2015, the national accreditation body is (respectively the recognition body or recognition bodies are) required to inform the European Railway Agency of the CSM assessment bodies accredited (respectively recognised), as well as of the area of competence for which those CSM assessment bodies are accredited (respectively recognised) as provided for in points 2 and 3 of Annex II of that Regulation. They are also required to notify any change to that situation within 1 month of the change. Fulfilment of those obligations enables the European Railway Agency to make this information publicly available.
Similarly, in the OTIF non-EU Contracting States, according to section 7 of the “OTIF UTP GEN-G of 1.1.2014 on the Common Safety Method (CSM) for risk assessment”, a CSM assessment body shall be either: (a) accredited by the national accreditation body referred to in section 13.1 using the criteria defined in Annex II of the UTP GEN-G; or (b) recognised by the recognition body referred to in section 13.1 using the criteria defined in Annex II of the UTP GEN-G; or (c) the national authority competent for technical admission under the requirement of section 9.2 of the UTP GEN-G. According to section 13 of the UTP GEN-G, by no later than 21 May 2015, the national accreditation body is (respectively: the recognition body or recognition bodies are) required to inform the Secretary General of the CSM assessment bodies accredited (respectively: recognised), as well as of the area of competence for which those CSM assessment bodies are accredited (respectively: recognised) as provided for in points 2 and 3 of Annex II of the UTP GEN-G. They are also required to notify any change to that situation within 1 month of the change. Fulfilment of those obligations enables the Secretary General to make this information publicly available.
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