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Number of valid Part A Safety Certificates: new, amended, renewed and revoked
Number of valid Part B Safety Certificates: new, amended, renewed and revoked
Certificates A vs Certificates B
Certificates B vs Certificates A
Number of valid Single Safety Certificates issued within selected period
Number of valid certificates issued within selected period
Number of valid safety certificates issued within selected period — Parts A and B, domestic vs. cross-border operations, per type of service
Number of valid Part B Safety Certificates issued within selected period, international operations vs. total number of Part B certificates, for passenger transport (including and excluding high-speed services)
Number of total valid Safety Certificates Part A vs. valid Safety Certificates Part A issued within selected period and applying for more than one type of services
Numerical data issued within selected period on safety certification for Annex E of the NSA annual report, section E.1: Safety Certificates according to Directive 2004/49/EC
Cross-border operations
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Expand AssessmentAssessment
Safety Indicators
Investigation reports
NSA & NIB reports
Collapse Inter-operability documentsInter-operability documents
Expand EC declarations of verification of subsystemsEC declarations of verification of subsystems
Expand EC declaration of conformity of interoperability constituentsEC declaration of conformity of interoperability constituents
Expand EC declaration of suitability for use of interoperability constituentsEC declaration of suitability for use of interoperability constituents
Expand Authorisation for placing in serviceAuthorisation for placing in service
Expand NoBo EC CertificatesNoBo EC Certificates
Virtual Vehicle Register
Expand Railway Undertaking Service Quality reportsRailway Undertaking Service Quality reports
National Rules

Report from ERADIS Database


Number of valid safety certificates — Parts A and B, domestic vs. cross-border operations, per type of service