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ECM List of Attestations

This database has been developed in accordance with Article 13.1 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/779 of 16 May 2019 laying down detailed provisions on a system of certification of entities in charge of maintenance of vehicles pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulation (EU) No 445/2011 and in accordance with Annex A to the ATMF Uniform Rules (Appendix G to COTIF).

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Country Certification Body Applicant Applicant Country Type Of Attestation Issue Date Validity Date Attachments
1 2 3 4 5 Next Last
United Kingdom TUV Rheinland UK Ltd Assenta Rail Ltd. United Kingdom ECMF2 ECMF3 ECMF4 07/06/2019 06/06/2020 ATT-UK_31_0219A0001.pdf
United Kingdom TUV Rheinland UK Ltd RAILPOOL GmbH Germany ECM ECMF2 ECMF3 16/10/2018 11/10/2023 RAILPOOL_ATT-UK_31_0218_A0001, Rev. 1_2018-10-16.pdf
United Kingdom TUV Rheinland UK Ltd Rurtalbahn GmbH Germany ECM 28/06/2019 30/06/2024 Rurtalbahn_ATT_UK_31_0219_A0002_2019-06-28.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Alstom Lokomotiven Service GmbH Austria ECM 23/10/2015 22/10/2020 9164-ECM Bestätigung Alstom Stendal EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Alstom Lokomotiven Service GmbH Austria ECM 12/12/2017 22/10/2020 9164-1-ECM Bestätigung Alstom Stendal EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Alstom Lokomotiven Service GmbH Austria ECMF2 ECMF3 ECMF4 23/10/2015 22/10/2020 9165-IH Fkt Bestätigung Alstom Stendal EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Alstom Lokomotiven Service GmbH Austria ECMF2 ECMF3 ECMF4 12/12/2017 22/10/2020 9165-1-IH Fkt Bestätigung Alstom Stendal EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG ALSTOM Transport Deutschland GmbH Germany ECM 06/11/2014 06/11/2019 9144 - ECM Bescheinigung ALSTOM Braunschweig DE.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG ALSTOM Transport Deutschland GmbH Germany ECMF2 ECMF3 ECMF4 06/11/2014 06/11/2019 9145 - IH Fkt Bescheinigung ALSTOM Braunschweig DE.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Iarnród Éireann, Irish Rail Connolly Platform Support Ireland ECMF4 16/10/2017 15/10/2022 12163-IH Fkt Attestation IRISH RAIL- Connolly EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Iarnród Éireann, Irish Rail Connolly Station Ireland ECM 16/10/2017 15/10/2022 12159-ECM Bestätigung Irish Rail EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Iarnród Éireann, Irish Rail Cork CME Maintenance Depot Ireland ECMF4 16/10/2017 15/10/2022 12164-IH Fkt Attestation IRISH RAIL- Cork EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Iarnród Éireann, Irish Rail Drogheda DMU Care Depot Ireland ECMF4 16/10/2017 15/10/2022 12162-IH Fkt Attestation IRISH RAIL- Drogheda EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Iarnród Éireann, Irish Rail Fairview DART Depot Ireland ECMF4 16/10/2017 15/10/2022 12165-IH Fkt Attestation IRISH RAIL- Fairview EN.pdf
Switzerland SCONRAIL AG Iarnród Éireann, Irish Rail Heuston Platform Support Ireland ECMF4 16/10/2017 15/10/2022 12166-IH Fkt Attestation IRISH RAIL- Heuston EN.pdf